Server Migration

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Server Migration

Post by badger0 »

Hello everyone,

Thanks to the efforts of everyone who hopped over and helped us test the new server, we're finally ready to migrate. Once this change takes place, Sinfar will be in it's new home, in a data center in New York, and it will be running on modern hardware able to ensure it's lifespan for years to come.

And so, Sinfar will be undergoing a planned outage on Saturday, September 9th 2023.

Start times for the outage are listed below, and it is expected to take 1 to 2 hours.

During this time Sinfar will be unavailable to play, including chatting via the web client. Discord will be the place to be for live updates of the server, and we'll update as soon as we have any status changes, there first.

Outage time:

9:00 am EDT (New York time)
2:00 pm BST (London time)
11:00 pm AEST (Sidney time)

Once migration is complete, as long as you're using the domain name to connect to Sinfar (, no actions will be needed. If you're connecting using IP address, try the domain name instead.

Thank you again, to everyone who helped make this possible. If you have any questions, please direct them to any of the three of us, and we'll talk more once the migration is complete.
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Re: Server Migration

Post by BenevolentDevil »

Suddenly getting " player name refused by server " message when trying to log in.
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Re: Server Migration

Post by Whimsicality »

Same here, server migrations never, ever go smoothly. I finally found out I can get a couple of characters on Arche Terre if I direct connect and use the and it's very important to use the nwn prefix in the link that isn't shown in the instructions above ;) but can't transition to another one, I'm sure it will get ironed out in time. Break out the +7 Bug Hammers and smite them soundly !!

Congratulations and thank yous to the new owners, there's still life in this old game yet and I for one can't wait to see whet they come up with.
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Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:21 pm
Characters: Amavel
Location: Potatoland

Re: Server Migration

Post by badger0 »

Thank you everyone for your patience.

The full database was transferred to the new server yesterday. Initially everything went very smoothly, but then a few hiccups as it settled in but after some troubleshooting and work, it looks like we got things resolved. A big thank-you to Mavrixio for helping resolve the initial problems and ensuring that our favourite server's new lease on life was back in action as quickly as possible.

We hope that you're all feeling things running a bit more smoothly now, even if only a bit - or at the VERY least, nothing is worse!

As ever, should you find any bugs or issues, you can always reach out to us by posting in the problems forum or a message in discord.
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