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Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:35 pm
by Tzerys


~ Esus - The Floating Isle ~
Compendium Index

~ Esus ~
1. Geography
2. Society
3. Politics
4. Economy
5. History
6. Chronology
7. Legends & Lore

~ Wyrmtooth Island ~
1. Geography
2. Society
3. Politics
4. Economy
5. History
6. Chronology
7. Legends & Lore

The following information is a matter of public record. All information is correct at the time of writing. The Council of Esus accepts no liability for personal interpretation, misappropriation or misuse of the facts in this compendium.

With thanks to 'The Man of the Moon' for concept and format - GEOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:37 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~

1.1 Location:
The main bulk of Esus tends to keep an altitude of several thousand feet, avoiding the airspace belonging to major continents and cities. Lesser 'chunks' of the city must maintain a position close by, or risk falling from the central mythallar's grasp and plummeting to the earth below.

1.2. Description:
Even a casual observer might easily guess that the enormous, jagged chunk of earth forming the base of Esus, was torn forcibly from the side of a mountain. From every angle, this massive floating chunk is riddled with caves and passages open to the air, access to a warren of underground tunnels that criss-cross through layers of rock beneath the city. A tempting point of entry away from prying eyes, it would nevertheless take a brave or truly insane amount of skill and daring to attempt a landing here - the high winds and lack of any docking support promise a quick death, dashed against the rocky facade. Smaller chunks of rock float in orbit close by, presenting even more of a hazard to the unwary.
Swaths of open desert are visible between patches of civilisation, but the flattened top of this chunk is dominated by a city. Rich, eccentric architecture spans impossible gaps and soars high into the air, uncountable towers and spires, many with a Sabani influence. While a few appear to be of ancient construction, most are very recent construction, and in good repair. A bustling dock extends out to one side over open air, crowded by airships of all shapes and sizes. Beyond this, the markets and layers upon layers of cramped buildings cling to the rockface, rising towards the apex of a hill, where the tallest tower of all, the Academy, looms over Esus from on high.

1.3. Climate:
Although the landscape is predominantly desert-like, it no longer sits in its' natural location. High winds are an everyday feature of life in Esus, and all forms of precipitation is much more common at high altitudes, but it retains much of the sun-baked charm of Saban.

1.4 Geology:
Predominantly sandstone, the main body of Esus has signs of significant instability and reinforcement over the years, both via magic and more mundane means. Abundant natural caves extend well below the surface, many forming access to man-made tunnels and mines. The main focus of activity is a singular mine owned and operated by the Council itself, and while generous quantities of precious minerals and ore are excavated to the surface, this seems to be merely a secondary benefit. Only constructs, and council representatives may access this mine, and it is extrapolated that the former forms most, or all of the workforce.

1.5 Flora:
Naturally occuring plantlife on Esus is limited to that found in the place of its' origin, the Araakan Wastelands. Coarse succulents and scrubby, sun-and-wind-scorched wildflowers cling to the desert sands, amongst which more exotic flora take shelter. Many residents nevertheless, manage to cheat nature in this regard. Lush, exotic courtyard or roof gardens are a popular hobby amongst certain social castes, and the Botanical Garden hosts an impressive array of species from foreign lands.

1.6 Fauna:
Much of the native wildlife stolen from the deserts of Saban still clings to life high in the air. Insects, reptiles and small mammals populate the desert wastes, and avian species in particular have adapted well to the changes in altitude. Larger species are in shorter supply, owing to the small populations originally transported.
The rapid expansion of the city has caused a spike in parasitic and rodent species who thrive on the wastes of civilisation. Likewise, artificial populations of game animals and exotic collections of beasts housed by the residents of Esus, have taken an easy dominance over the landscape.
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:52 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~

2.1. Denomination and etymology:

2.2. Flag and motto:
Legal documentation and announcements by the Council are headed by the official sigil of Esus, a floating fortress amidst a maroon background, bordered by the crystal Hallex. Esus as a sovereignty is commonly represented by the iconic, and much simpler image of a fortress in the clouds, surrounded by the signature 'Hallex' turquoise.
The Inner Circle of the Council have been known to use a similar sigil on the rare occasions they may act directly in an official capacity - a multifaceted crystal shape, wreathed in turquoise.
'Unbound, Unfettered, Unlimited Possibilities' was a popular oath of unity amongst the first generation of settlers. By popular demand, it was adopted as an official motto in the third year of government, and is represented in the official sigil in modern Esus.

2.3. Inhabitants: 
'Inner Circle' and 'First Generation' settlers represent a near-complete microcosm of Sinfar society. Mortal races make up a majority, human, elfkind and to a lesser degree, halfling variants. Dwarves have largely been under-represented in the sky-city, both for personal reasons and the simple fact that the majority of construction and high-profit mining operations are handled directly by the Council-controlled Construct workforce.
Few native Sabani have relocated to the city, despite having much basic culture in common. It is hypothesised that early political conflict between the breakaway state and the motherland is to blame for this.
Exotic and extraplanar races of all shapes and sizes are generally welcomed in Esus, as expected from a place which ranks vision, imagination and motivation well above ethical concerns.

2.4. Population: 
Council records put the current population at 4,390.
This does not include the undisclosed Construct population.
The Council does not acknowledge the existence of a so-called 'illegal immigrant' element, and so these rumoured populations remain mere conjecture at this time.

2.5. Language/s: 
The Common tongue is predominant, and a requisite for immigration to the Floating Isle.

2.6. Government: 
The unknown entities of the 'Inner Circle' represent the highest sphere of Government in Esus. They retain authority over, and may in fact comprise a portion of the Council of Esus, a nominally elected selection of citizens who manage the affairs of the city. All other departments of government report to this level.

2.7. Capital City:
As a city-state, Esus forms its own, very efficient capital.

2.8. Other settlements/cities: 
The Warrens: Although technically this region is merely a district of Esus, the Warrens are popularly considered a separate settlement - A frontier-town on the edge of the dark depths of bedrock that form the citys' base.

2.9. Description:

~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:52 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~

3.1. Balance of power:
In theory, Esus is governed by majority Council verdict. The Council is made up of representatives from each official House bearing the title of 'Councillor'. These are unelected officials, hand-chosen by their House to best further their own ambitions. It is a somewhat lively affair, with debates held every mid-week with a great deal of posturing on all sides. Each council member is allowed to suggest policy once per quarter (every three months). This policy is then debated vigorously, until it is hammered into a workable law.
Less of a rumour, and more an accepted discrepancy within the Council itself, sits a secret alliance of founding House representatives, known to collude to manipulate policy and possessing enough influence to veto unpopular measures. Referred to by the bold as the 'Inner Circle' or 'Shadow Council', this tight-knit group rarely acts overtly or in a public capacity.

3.2. Factions:
The factions of Esus are represented by the individual Trading Houses. Usually a House is founded over an essential part of Esus economy or sociology. Although at heart each House is a corporate entity and anyone may found one, the heads of wealthy, successful Houses are accorded status akin to nobility among the citizens of Esus, and are usually extended influence on the Council.

Some of the more notable Houses include:

House Markeides: A trading empire founded by the astute businessman (or greedy pirate depending on who you speak to) Jeremiah Markeides. They are a 'new money' House and control the largest fleet of airships in Esus. Very influential in Esus, their Councillor is Reziel Ando.

House Shale: Founded by Igmund Shale, they are renowned as master craftsmen and are the premier suppliers of the golem shell chassis' for enchantment by the Esus mages. Due to the enactment of The Clockwork Principle, House Shale is one of the most powerful and influential Houses in Esus. Rosamund Shale is their Councillor.

House Dell: An old and mysterious house that founded the Academy and act as wardens of the Hallex, the magically-imbued mineral that fuels the Mythallar and keeps Esus afloat. They are the senior thaumaturgical authority - having exclusive research and development rights to Hallex, and include many archmages and senior mages in their ranks. Their current Councillor is Astara Moonshadow.

House Vhaungrym: Founded by ex-soldier and General, Jaeger Vhaungrym. They were the biggest suppliers of militia to Esus. They are an Old House, one of the first, instrumental in driving back the Asabi Incursion. They have now fallen on hard times with the golem expansion under The Clockwork Principle.

House Cross: Founded by Valik Cross. They specialise in message delivery, information trading, advertising and more. They are lesser known for their true purpose of covert operations and stealth missions.

House Half-Spear: Founded by Gregor "Half-Spear" Teverim. A relatively recent House, Gregor was a commander under Jaegar Vhaungrym and a decorated General. He famously helped Esus "Hold the Line" against the Asabi Incursion, snapping his spear in two to kill two lizardmen which had nearly broken through. He was in love with Jaegar's daughter, Bon, but Jaegar had plans to marry her off to the Shales. Gregor and Bon eloped, and founded this house, and Vhaungrym has blamed his poor fortune on this incident ever since.

House Machivello: Originally they held the biggest contract for supplying airships to Esus, but after a number of unexplained 'accidents' and the Esus dockmaster favouring House Markeides, they have fallen on hard times. Unkind tongues whisper they use inferior Asabi labour to make their craft.

House T'ar: A magical house that envy Dell's position as Wardens and their clout as the premier magical house. They set up business enchanting militia weapons and armour. They were just getting started when the Council enacted the Clockwork Principle, now they eke out their living selling minor cantrips and charms to the local populace.

House Senyn-Witt: A small trading coster that has strong ties to the Sinifer mainland. They import alcohol (predominantly rum), confectionery and baked goods to Esus, as a result, they are extremely popular with the locals.

3.3. Alliances:
Although it keeps a friendly veneer and readily pursues routes of access and trade with most other countries, states and nations, Esus' ever-changing position in the skies and the amount of magical might at their disposal gifts it a certain security and a sense of protection with their isolation from other lands. The city-state of Esus previously kept particularly close ties to Saban, despite early disagreements regarding theft of territory and difficulties asserting sovereignty and independence. These close ties have not been renewed since the end of the conflict that tore through its' landlocked motherland, but the nations remain cordial.

Within Esus, the internal political scene is intense. As each House was usually founded to supply Esus with something vital, the ebb and flow of that demand as well as the delicate social intrigues, dictate who is allied with whom.

At present, some major alliances to note are. Markeides, Dell & Shale. These loosely comprise the current power in Esus. Markeides is the largest airship supplier and trading power, Shale provides the excellent base materials for the sentinel golems, and Dell has the best enchanters. Between them, they form the main power base and are closely entwined.

Other loose affiliations include House T'ar and House Vhaungrym. They were to be a major pairing, one supplying the enchanted weaponry and armour to the other supplying the soldiers, but they have both been somewhat discounted of late, much to their annoyance.

3.4. War/Peace Status:
Esus is currently considered to be at peace with all major factions of Sinfar.

3.5. Conflicts (Enemies):
The major conflicts are internal. *

3.6. Foreign relations:
Esus maintains a peacefully trading co-existence with most sovereign nation states in the Sinfarian Archipelagos.
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:53 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~

4.1. Wealth:
With the research, mining and refining of the crystal 'Hallex' found exclusively on Esus, certain Houses, namely Dell, Markeides & Shale have done incredibly well from the exploitation of the magical mineral. There is a prosperous middle class that supplies the wealthy elite with their material wants and a currently poor and disparate (working) class, mainly the now disenfranchised miners that once gleaned the Hallex for the upper crust.

4.2. Currency: 
Despite early attempts to keep Sabani coins in circulation, the Floating Isle has adopted the Sinfarian Golden Eagle as its' main currency of trade.

4.3. Resources:
Most natural resources are fairly scarce in the desert wastes that make up the bedrock of Esus. The keeping of livestock is all but impossible, and desert sands do not support agriculture or forestry. Therefore Esus has to import many basic items, like timber, leathers, cloth & foodstuffs. These basic necessities are paid for with profits from the city-states' vast natural mineral wealth. Quarried stone, iron ore, gold, platinum, mithral and the magic-enhancing Hallex. Quality craftsmen, mages, and artisans producing steel, weaponry and armour, golem chassis, magical items and more - Ensure a steady flow of coin within the Floating Isle.

4.4. Trade:
By necessity Esus has become a robust trading nation, importing wool, leather, timber, meat, fish, and dairy goods; and exporting iron, gold, magical items, steel, weapons, and armour.
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:54 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~
Excerpts from 'ESUS ASCENDED' by Halfyndwyr
Available from Spellbound Publishing

"Arcane spells and sacred rites
Are learned as the grimoire ignites;
In darkened fires’ fleeting glow,
The high is equal to the low."
- Esusian Chant translated from draconic.

In the Sabani wastelands, there was an expanse of forgotten land that was barely accessible without high magic. A hidden valley, flanked by the enormous skeletal remains of some mighty ancient beast. Its' very existence was only even fathomable through the dangerous use of ancient Netherese scrolls collected by a Solar, and then translated by a dark chanter of wyrmish blood. An eclectic group of souls they were, sorcerors, pirates and treasure hunters risking all in search of an ancient mystery.

The ruins they found there were all but dust, very nearly erased from history and all living memory. But among the fragments lay a chamber, protected by potent magics and kept preserved and protected from the ravages of time. Together they breached the seal, and discovered beyond an unimaginable cache of magical knowledge so ancient and so valuable it would change their lives forever. Among the priceless trove of knowledge, a Netherese mechanism, the likes of which the modern mind struggles even to comprehend. Barely able to contain their excitement, plans were made to move the device to a safe place. However, it swiftly became obvious that it could not be moved, it seemed to be linked to that very location, deep in the desert.

Undaunted, the group would combine powers to activate the ancient Mythallar. The process literally ripped the land from its roots, sending a vast cross section of rocky wasteland soaring into the skies.

The Floating Isle of rock held many mysteries and secrets. It was initially a base of magical study, wizards and mages of all ilks flocked to the floating isle to learn. The cache of knowledge they had uncovered was re-writing many established magical theories, exciting minds and swiftly, the place grew. A 'founding council' was established to keep order, taking their name from a mysterious inscription left by the bones of the mighty beast.

"…Once I set the sea alight
with a single fiery breath
Once I was so mighty
that I thought my name was death
Sing out loud until you’re heard
the song of melancholy bliss,
For the mighty and the middling
all shall come to this…"
- 'The Journey of Esus' Inscription left by the Dragon’s Bones

As Esus swelled in population (both transient and resident), the exploration of this new land continued with fervour. Much of the overland surface area was soon confirmed to be little more than desolate wastelands with no potential for arable purposes. The Esusians soon began to explore downwards, into the foundations of Esus itself.

Unfortunately, the Esusian mages and their entourages quickly discovered that they were not the only residents. In fact, races of creatures had lived in the bowels of these lands of many many years, and were not too pleased by the recent upheaval of their world, nor were they inclined to share their home peacefully with these surface 'invaders'.

Among the most numerous of Esusian natives were several tribes of lizardfolk - called Asabi in the common tongue - that lived in the 'Warrens'. They objected to the encroachment into their territory, and started a series of bloody skirmishes which threatened to sink the fledgling Esus before it had even established itself. Mages are powerful wielders of an ancient power, but they have limits. They need rest, they usually number few, and if caught up close, can fall to an Asabi blade as easily as any man would.

Fortunately for them, they were still mages. A plan was enacted to protect the security of Esus. 'The Clockwork Principle' was an edict passed soon after the conflict began, which promoted combined resources to build powerful golems to help defend their land and advance their ideals. These golems were perfect in their conception, tireless, strong, obedient.. but they required a great deal of supervision and maintenance. While they could not carry out complex instructions or adapt dynamically to situations, under the command of the Esusian elite they played a pivotal role in stemming the tide of the Asabi incursion and drove them out the Warrens. All but crushed into submission, the surviving remnants of the indigenous tribes were cast out into the blasted wastelands beyond the city limits. To this day, the Asabi remnants eke out a bare existence among the scrublands. Pockets of resistance remain, but the life expectancy of these rebellious exiles is poor to none once they turn to violent protest. Some few individuals have been known to assimilate into the civilized world, but these remain a rare novelty even amongst Esus' varied populace.

  • “First of all, choose a material which you want to use.
    For the Beginning, you should choose wood, because it is not expensive and easy to work with.
    When you have some practice, you can go on with stone and marble. Then imagine what kind of shape your creation should have. A humanoid shape would be the best and it is also very popular.
    After you got a vision of it, begin with the rough contour. Now work out the details of your sculpture, for this distinguishes our golems from the war machines. We want to create unique beings capable of multiple tasks, not mass produced soldiers. Be as accurate as possible, make every finger, eye, feather and mouth authentic.
    If you are satisfied with the sculpture, the last but most important step follows: The Enchanting. Without magic you would have a beautiful piece of work, but what kind of use do they have if they can’t do anything but stand in one place? So check your sculpture a last time before starting the enchantment ritual, because once they ‘live,’ the body of them cannot be changed anymore.
    After you finished, you will feel like a proud father looking at his newborn.”
- Holdin Hammerfist, Master Smith & Golem Sculptor for House Shale

The edict passed to save the early Esusians was a fortuitous piece of fortune, and strategic thinking. Golems didn't require food or water, or accommodation (scarce on this frontier floating Isle). They were obedient, compliant and loyal. Also, they were as adept at mining as they were at fighting. Pretty soon, the natural resources of Esus Warrens became the property of the founding Council. However, all the gold, gems and ore they found there would pale into insignificance compared to what they would discover next...

"I’m telling you, this is the opportunity we’ve been seeking for decades! Soon, we will be able
to escape the boundaries of the material world. Don’t you see? There is power there, power
beyond your dreams, and that power could be ours, if we were but willing to take the smallest
of risks. Surely the council can approve of my proposition?"
- Arean Sethrail (Former Councillor for House Dell), on discovering the crystal 'Hallex' vein in the Warrens.

As the mages spent more and more time there, they would grow in need. Requiring accomodations, merchant services and the like. It wasn't until the discovery of Hallex though, that the place really came to life.

"I remember when we first stumbled upon it. At first I mistook it for silver, but then I let my lantern shine upon it. Never before had I seen such beauty, and I mouthed a silent prayer of thanks to Reorx. I stood there stunned for a moment, not daring to use my pick on this wondrous material. Then a sudden shaft of light illuminated the mine wall, coming from a hole in the ceiling. I then knew I had Reorx's blessing, and with infinite care I began to reap this mythical harvest."
-Osmand Rockspittle, Mining Supervisor, Esus Warrens.

Hallex was a crystalline ore that amplified magical conductivity considerably. It was found imbedded deep in the underground of Esus, the many honeycombed warrens that were discovered when mining for precious gems and items useful in magical practice. It would mean the Mythallar engine (which till this point was still only operating on an unknown reserve of power) could be fuelled to keep the place afloat and the knowledge safe. It was also the most useful component in the 'magineering' of golems. Using the Hallex as a focus crystal, powerful golems were built. These mighty contructs, known as 'Sentinals' were capable of more complex orders (albeit still limited) now patrol the Esus streets, keeping law and order as well as serving in the mines and as some personal guards to some of the elite.

""Gornbad Hurt."
"Yes, I know Gornbad Hurt, look at you, you got really beat up out there."
"Many Asabi hurt Gornbad."
"Asabi? Really, and this finely crafted sword I see lodged in your belly is of Asabi-make is it?"
"Gornbad hit by many Asabi-swords."
"Asabi Don't wield... wait. What is this? Is...Is this a deer antler?"
"Gornbad was hungry"
"Gornbad cant be hungry, Gornbad is a GOLEM!"
"Gornbad thought after battle warriors get hungry, so Gornbad ate"
"By shoving a deer down your gullet? That’s not good for you, which explains the mess in here."
"Gornbad Sorry"
"Every time you wander away from the regiment you get damaged, you must stay with the others"
"Gornbad saw Asabi, has orders to smash Asabi."
"Those were Elves, stay away from them."
"What difference?"
"Good point. ..Fine, Stay away from anything with sharp objects unless your with your unit." -- Esusian mage repairing a Sentinal Golem.

Hallex changed everything. Esus became a centre of magical learning and trade, laws were needed.. this was no longer an outpost of study, but people's homes and livelihoods. The Founding Council of Esus was expanded to 'Protect and Further the Ideals of Magical Study.' A true magocracy in effect today.

Most cities in the realms lit their streets with alchemical or magical lamps placed at regular intervals, which not only prevented the stubbing of toes but also hindered criminal activity. Esus in particular was well known for the number and regularity of such lamps, though many visitors simply put this down to their penchant for magical devices. These lights actually served an even greater purpose than usual however, for hidden on the top of each lamp was a small ball of lead in the shape of an eye, with arcane runes scribed on the back. Would-be invaders of Esus would unknowingly dicover the purpose of these little statues in short order, for each golem therein could 'see' through each of the eyes at once, letting them expertly counter each assault at the right place and time.

Today, Esus is a vibrant, thriving hubub of magical activity, trade and learning. A solid merchant class cropped up to supply the mage 'aristocracy' with their components and artifacts. Several airships were constructed to keep supplies plentiful, and Esus is blossoming into a busy sky-port. Those wishing to explore a new frontier are welcome (The mages pay handsomely for accurate maps of caverns, tunnels, dungeons and plains) or those seeking trade, or offering services with their swords. (The Asabi still lurk in the Badlands, and there are other, less common creatures that dwell in the bowels of the floating Isle.)

However, there are dark spots. Blemishes on this frontier success story. The original mining working class humans and dwarves that prospered before the Clockwork Principle was enacted are now redundant. Many are poverty-stricken and the expanded Esus Council seems to have forgotten their earlier service. Some have turned to banditry and piracy, becoming a blight on the Esusian landscape. 'The Forsaken', are a terrorist group according to the Council, that need to be purged and will pay handsomely to those of mercenary disposition.

There are rumbling rumours about a population explosion in the Fields of Perdition, and another Asabi Incursion is imminent. The Council is preparing to shore up it's defences from attack above and below.

Finally, there appears to be a new, invisible threat. Sentinel golems of Esus and have been 'vanishing' from their workstations, never to be seen or heard of again and the situation is deteriorating swiftly. Golems are now in pairs, and some with armed escorts costing the Council a great deal of money and patience.

~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:54 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:55 pm
by Tzerys
~ Esus ~
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:56 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth~

1.1 Location
Wyrmtooth Island is located along a subtropical latitude, some thirty miles off the coast of the Araakan Wastelands. The city of Saban is the closest major sea port.

1.2. Description
The open ocean beats relentlessly against a jagged uprising of rocky reefs, within which a relatively peaceful lagoon shelters the island of Wyrmtooth and its' much smaller siblings, a collection of bare rocks and sandy islets. The main island rises sharply from the lagoon, surrounded by distinctive rocky obelisks, roughly hewn from a spidery white quartz stone - The 'Wyrms Teeth' which give the island its' name.

The ragged coastline is filled with likely landing spots and picturesque beaches, but the main harbour is lined with magical lanterns which broadcast an eerie blue-green light, day and night. Exotic architecture blends with the rustic, commonplace buildings that surround the docks, and a brightly lit promenade awaits visitors to the island. Beyond, a sleek stone structure rises into the sky from the center of town, its' doors thrown open to travellers - The stairway within ascends to a narrow landing platform, for convenient boarding of the airships that comprise the regular shuttle service to and from the Floating Isle.

Behind the town there lies a low dam, built to hoard the flow of one major waterway to supply Wyrmtooth, and the uncertain lands soaring above. Lesser waterways filter down around the town, trees with twisted roots punctuating the wetlands and making for uncertain footing. Tangled forest extends deeper into the island. This interior is largely inaccessible to the casual tourist, though the persistent adventurer may find a way - at their own risk.

1.3. Climate
Known for mild, wet winters and hot, humid summers, the subtropical island of Wyrmtooth is a generally pleasant place to be. Summer storms and cyclones are a regular hazard accepted and prepared for by residents, and may sometimes impact travel to and from the island - by sea and air alike.

1.4 Geology
At a maximum of 20-30 feet above sea level, the island is comprised mostly of shifting sandbars and igneous rock underpinning. Geologically sound, at least during recent memory, the island shows a minimal tendency for instability and seems likely represent the uppermost peak of an undersea mountain range. The reef-lined lagoon surrounding the island is peppered with large white-stone obelisks, seemingly an unnatural formation.

1.5 Flora

1.6 Fauna
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:56 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~

2.1. Denomination and etymology:

2.2. Flag and motto:

2.3. Inhabitants: 

2.4. Population: 

2.5. Language/s: 

2.6. Government: 

2.7. Capital City:

2.8. Other settlements/cities: 

2.9. Description:

~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:57 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~

3.1. Balance of power:

3.2. Factions:

3.3. Alliances:

3.4. War/Peace Status:

3.5. Conflicts (Enemies):

3.6. Foreign relations:
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:58 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~

4.1. Wealth:

4.2. Currency: 

4.3. Resources:

4.4. Trade:

~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:59 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:59 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~
~ Index ~

Re: Esus - The Floating Isle - Compendium

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:59 pm
by Tzerys
~ Wyrmtooth ~
~ Index ~

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